Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Making books:8: Printers II

Still doing some research on this, with the unfortunate problem that each printer has something specific I would like [sewn signatures/ short print run/ ideal pricing to budget], but none of them have it in combination. Bit frustrating.

2nd in low cost- sent me a lovely paper sample book which contains printing on different papers by their colour and greyscale digital paper which is great! [All printers should make this booklet. REALLY] Only thing is their hard back binder is a different company and it costs £4.75 per book to be bound.

Most expensive so far which gave me their short run wibalin and jacket cost, not a printed paper case cost, so trying to get a second estimate off them. Then it'll be wrangling samples time.

3rd has the problem of being the 3rd in terms of cost, but containing all the mod cons except- the lowest print run is 250. I don't think i could do these numbers unless i have at least 150 pre-orders. I also have this one earmarked for another print, so it would be nice to test them out really.

Not heard back from my first printer [if you remember my FLIPDESK from the other day- it's for more complex reasons than printing... but still from my side of it, it's not going well.]

Anyway- well, so far, sorting out a lot of print and postcard/bookmark printing and did a load of photo ref printings, and sorting out a few comms.

I've really been a bit too busy otherwise to do much drawing.

Just as a feeler, who would be interested in a 200 page hardback of my sketchwork from 2008-2012 [it's black and white with colour cover] for £40-£50 in limited edition [either 100 or 250 at this stage] ? Please comment if you're interested :/ 


  1. Would it contain illustrations from your previous sketchbooks or everything except those ones?

    I'm interested regardless, specially to see how the final product looks/feels (you got me all touchy feely over paper now) . I just hope to have a job or some income when you get them made. My bank account is empty and I struggle to pay my rent on benefits right now (shit times).

    1. As it's designed as a database of sorts, it'll contain stuff from other sketchbooks too. It is sort of a one off project, so a lot of the stuff probably will never be reprinted. Hope your situation eases up soon :(

  2. I would love one of your sketchbook but as it cost I don't think I could afford it ==" £40-£50 would mean about $70-$80 in my country and plus shipping. Maybe a paperback with a dust jacket would be slightly more affordable and easier on the shipping. Just an idea, since printing is so pricey. Sorry about my English.

    1. No problem, I can understand your reluctance to pay such high prices for a book! But thank You for showing your interest, and for your comment :) I wasn't imagining to push people to buy the book, I was just wondering if anyone would be interested in it, even if they did not buy it. In the end, i thought very hard about your suggestion, because I don't actually really like hard back books. But structurally at that page size and with the number of pages, the /hard cover is better as a design to protect the book. It was hard choosing it though as they make the book almost twice as expensive to print. However, cost not withstanding for printing, the contents are 5 years of my sketches too. And I would be including personalized drawings in the whole book offer as well. With only 100, I wanted to make it unique for anyone buying one and to say thank you because of the cost.

  3. I would... I would be happy to buy one :)

    1. Bless ya, hun. Thank you for commenting [hug] It's a lot I admit. But I'm happy to know that you are interested :)
